Facility Rental & Events

Planning an Event?

“A great city is one in which all citizens feel the warmth of community, the presence of safety and the pleasure of dignity.”

On behalf of the City of Warren I want to thank you for choosing our city to host your event.
- Mayor William D. Franklin

Facility Rentals

For smaller events or if you are looking to rent a facility/venue and are not in need of a city employee or services such as vendors, street closures, alcohol etc. (i.e. smaller gatherings, cookouts, birthday parties etc.) Please Contact the Operations Department.

Operations Department
521 Main Ave. SW
Warren, Ohio 44483

Office Hours
7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Larger Event

If you are in need of services or city employees your event would be concidered a larger event. (ie. In need of police presence, turning on of water or electric, alcohol consumption/sale, refuse, food vendors, portable resrooms etc.)
Copyright © 2024 City Of Warren, Ohio.